Take a shot when NJN shows you results that are more than an hour old.
Take a shot every time Chris Christie doesn't say conservative at a point where you think he would have just yesterday.
Take a shot every time Jon Corzine says "terrific"
Take a shot every time someone who wants to be Lt. Governor appears to be a cheerleader for the nominee.
Take a shot every time Roger Bodman reminds viewers that he was the campaign manager for Governor Tom Kean in 1981. Take another shot every time Bodman mentions the 1980's, or that he was Labor Commissioner or Transportation Commissioner.
Take a shot every time Julie Roginsky says "the bottom line is" or "listen to me"
Take a shot every time Brigid Harrison notes that elections are often about turnout.
Take a shot if Jim Hooker can say "Carl Bergmanson" ten times fast after 10PM.
Take a shot when at 9PM and you wonder why you've been watching for an hour and only 2% of the vote is in.
Take a shot when you get bored and turn on News 12 because they're as local as local news gets. Then go back to NJN after the commercial.
Take a shot every time Bob Menendez says "the reality is"
Take a shot if you wind up watching a Soprano's rerun and you realize John Inglesino is locked up in the trunk of someone's Cadillac.
Take a shot anytime a Democrat mentions Chris Christie and George W. Bush in the same sentence. Take just ½ shot if Joe Cryan does it.
Take ¼ shot if Joe Biden says something inappropriate. Take a full shot if he mentions the proximity between New Jersey and Delaware.
Take a shot if Joe Biden delayed your commute home.
Take a shot if Steve Lonegan wins.
Take a shot if Chris Christie blames the bad economy on Jon Corzine and Jim McGreevey, but don't drink anything if he mentions the fourteen months Dick Codey was Governor.
Take a shot if Paul DiGaetano comes across as angry. And take another shot if you remember who Paul DiGaetano used to be.
Take a shot if NJN actually sends someone to Rick Merkt's headquarters.
Take a shot if you don't think Jeff Boss is entirely crazy.
Take a shot when Jerry Healy does.
Take a shot if you see Paul Mulshine crying.
Take a shot if Jon Corzine gets less than 70% of the vote and you see Rob Andrews crying.
Take a shot if Frank Lautenberg calls for the re-election of "my Governor, David Paterson."
Take a shot if Chris Christie mentions Rudy Giuliani. Take another shot if he doesn't mention Herb Stern or David Kelley.
Take a shot if someone refers to the "Dick Codey Arena"
Take a shot when you hear these words: taxes, corruption, federal monitor, and working families.
Take a shot every time someone mentions New Jersey elections are referendums on the presidency and only Virginia and New Jersey blah blah blah.
Take a shot if Tom Kean looks nervous, or if Barbara Buono appears to be hitting on Zach Fink.
Finish the bottle if Jon Corzine says "Hold me accountable."