Christie blows off Lonegan letter

PITMAN — Republican gubernatorial nominee Chris Christie barely acknowledged Steve Lonegan’s missive against the state’s establishment Republicans during a campaign

PITMAN — Republican gubernatorial nominee Chris Christie barely acknowledged Steve Lonegan’s missive against the state’s establishment Republicans during a campaign appearance today.

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Lonegan, who lost the primary to Christie last month, called Christie’s top supporters and operatives “hollow men” in an email to supporters today. When asked about it by The Record’s Charles stile, Christie blew the question off.

“I don’t think Steve really means that. He probably just had a bad morning,” he said.

Among Lonegan’s grievances was that the Republican State Committee failed to adopt the Republican National Committee’s platform at their meeting last month, as well as a resolution condemning tax hikes under Governor Jon Corzine.

Republican State Chairman Jay Webber, who attended today’s rally along with RNC Chairman Michael Steele, has said that the committee’s refusal to vote on the resolutions was purely procedural. He said that he did not talk about the platform controversy with Steele today.

“It’s a non-issue,” he said.

Christie blows off Lonegan letter