Elsewhere: The Unemployment Rate, The Jobs and Education Party

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Several prospective employees turned down jobs with Hillary Clinton because of a burdensome vetting process, she said.

Steven Rattner, who managed Michael Bloomberg’s money, is leaving his job as car czar.

Readers debate the meaning of Carolyn Maloney keeping Robert Jereski off the ballot.

Gotham Schools has a problem with Bloomberg’s report on how he kept his campaign promises.

Bloomberg hopes to run on the Jobs and Education Party line.

Thompson goes to HuffPo with his unemployment figures.

Bill Thompson rolls out man-on-the-street testimonials (with an unintentionally funny transition at :50).

Bloomberg talks about Haiti.

June O’Neill is stepping down as chairwoman of the state Democratic Party, but not entirely leaving the scene. She will be replaced by Jay Jacobs.

Reggie LaFayette is stepping down too, but wants to remain on the Democratic National Committee.

Jay Golub criticizes John Sampson and Bloomberg for giving out raises.

Dan Janison notes Schumer doesn’t Twitter much.

Suzannah B. Troy wears a recession bikini top while protesting Christine Quinn.

Here’s video from a Cy Vance event in Washington Heights earlier.

Sign up for Richard Aborn’s event with Isabella Rossellini.

Micah Kellner wants you to go green.

An argument for open primaries in New York [via Hankster].

Jordan Moss gets mail from Pedro Espada, Jr., and writes, “With breathtaking chutzpah, he takes credit for more cops on city streets, presumably because the legislature could finally approve the hike in the city’s sales tax once Espada defected back to the Dems after paralyzing local governments dependent on Albany action with his original flip to the GOP.”

Guess who’s fund-raising at the Museum of Sex.

And pictured above is Senate candidate Jonathan Tasini (on the bike) with Obama organizer Chris McCreight (left) and City Council candidate Josh Skaller, who all attended Bill Thompson’s rally on Saturday in Brooklyn.

Elsewhere: The Unemployment Rate, The Jobs and Education Party