Fire up the Firefox! Beginning Monday, July 13, at 10 a.m., Judge Sonia Sotomayor is expected to give opening statements and face questioning from senators at her Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a former Yankees and Mets pitcher and the Manhattan district attorney are set to testify on her character. If confirmed, Bronx-born Ms. Sotomayor, 54, would be the first Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court justice and the third woman to serve on the high court.
Here’s your guide to watching the “gavel-to-gavel” coverage live from your cubicle: will live-stream the event here (and on Facebook).
PBS will have a live broadcast online. And CNN will, too.
The Associated Press is also live-tweeting the hearings.
On the site, you can review the video of President Obama nominating Ms. Sotomayor on May 26. He also explained his decision in his May 30th Weekly Address. You can also check out a slideshow of photos from her career and personal life and a lengthy press release about her history on the White House site. Here are her answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s bipartisan questionnaire.
Of course, The Observer‘s Politicker team will have continuing coverage of Ms. Sotomayor and reaction from New Yorkers.