Jay Jacobs of Nassau County will lead the state Democratic Party. David Paterson tweeted as much.
Donald Trump attacked Richard Ravitch, the newly designated lieutenant governor, as all "image," according to Fred Dicker's column.
Steve Pigeon is now working for Pedro Espada Jr., and other Democrats are grumbling.
Former Senate majority leader Joe Bruno is trying to delay his trial until the Supreme Court can rule on some related cases.
Paterson spoke too soon when he said Suffolk County was in danger of losing sales tax revenue.
Senator John Sampson is pushing amendments to school-governance legislation.
Steve Greenberg charged $225 an hour as he examined SUNY's PR operations.
E.J. McMahon said Tom DiNapoli's bill to smooth pension fund increases was well-intentioned but badly drafted.
Michael Hutter argues against Paterson's appointment of Ravitch.
The state is getting closer to issuing permits for drilling in the Marcellus Shale.
Representative Maurice Hinchey wants stimulus spending to proceed more quickly.
And below, a news segment reporting a Republican attack on Representative Scott Murphy and his recent appearance with Vice President Joe Biden: