Asked About Giuliani’s Remarks, Bloomberg Defends His Own Record

As Michael Bloomberg picked up the endorsement of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association today, he fended off questions about whether Rudy

As Michael Bloomberg picked up the endorsement of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association today, he fended off questions about whether Rudy Giuliani was stoking racial fears with by warning a Jewish audience in Borough Park that crime could rise to pre-1993 levels if the if the mayor wasn’t re-elected.

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When asked about Giuliani’s comments this afternoon, Bloomberg said, “We’ve successfully resisted attempts to divide this city for the past eight years. I’ve worked well with virtually everyone. I don’t point fingers, I try to lower the volume and the temperature, and not raise it. I’m not going to start trying to raise it now.”

Later, when asked about Giuliani’s comments a second time, Bloomberg said, “Look, I’ve always tried to bring people together, and not to divide them. I can only speak for myself. Our campaign really is built around the belief that we can bring all New Yorkers together for a common vision.”

Asked About Giuliani’s Remarks, Bloomberg Defends His Own Record