Bloomberg advisor calls Corzine ‘unsuccessful’

A top political advisor to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg took a clear shot at Gov. Jon Corzine: "Look

A top political advisor to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg took a clear shot at Gov. Jon Corzine: "Look at Mike Bloomberg and Jon Corzine. Very similar backgrounds, very similar people. Both came into office spending a lot of money, okay? And one of them has been very successful, and one has generally been very unsuccessful, both in competitive environments," Kevin Sheekey told New York magazine. Why is that? I would argue it's because one turned out to be really good at his job, and is surrounded by really good people, and he's used persuasion to move things forward. If Mike Bloomberg were unsuccessful, he'd be a one-term mayor."

Bloomberg has not endorsed a candidate in New Jersey since he backed blind Rabbi Dennis Shulman for Congress last year, and he's not expected to get involved in the race for Governor.

Bloomberg advisor calls Corzine ‘unsuccessful’