Elsewhere: Parsing Giuliani, Probing Monserrate

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Erin Einhorn says Michael Bloomberg “stands by” Giuliani, but describes how he doesn’t.

Pat Lynch “offered a rebuttal of sorts” to Giuiliani’s remarks.

Chris Smith says the Borough Park comment and Detroit references were no accident, and are “beneath” Bloomberg.

Andrew Cuomo won a Medicaid fraud settlement.

Dede Scozzafava would sponsor card check legislation.

A conservative blog suggests she politicked her way to a nomination.

1199 is diving in for Bill Owens.

The Club for Growth is diving in, again, for Doug Hoffman.

The RNC is diving in for Dede Scozzafava.

Jude Seymour’s daily endorsement roundup.

Irene Liu predicts who would serve on the Monserrate committee.

Kevin Parker, also facing criminal charges, would vote to let him stay.

The senators upstairs want him out.

Sheldon Silver and some members met to discuss the budget.

Ben Smith’s readers debate Giuliani’s comments.

Raw Story suspects the worst.

Anthony Weiner, Jerry Nadler and a bunch of Assembly Democrats pile on.

So does Comedy Central.

Michael Roston says we have the Giuliani-Bloomberg relationship backwards.

Here’s the Posada ad, on a baseball website.

Exxon will pay up.

And here’s more Giuliani footage from Borough Park yesterday.

Elsewhere: Parsing Giuliani, Probing Monserrate