Morning Read: The Fear of Crime

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56 percent of Charlie Rangel’s campaign spending went to legal fees.

Which commissioners will be replaced in Bloomberg’s third term?

Giuliani sounds alarms about safety and terrorism while stumping for Bloomberg.

Giuliani’s comments verge on race-baiting,” said Bill de Blasio.

A Bay Ridge blogger agrees.

Bloomberg later said New York could turn into Detroit.

The comments came while Bloomberg aides say they fear low voter turnout.

Andy Wolf (in the Sun!) says Bloomberg has been “weighing” the city down with generous contracts to labor, and distorting Thompson’s record.

In New York, only Bloomberg matters, writes Chris Smith.

Citizens Union, critics of extending term limits, endorses Bloomberg.

Thompson pleaded for his old boss not to go to jail. That boss now supports Bloomberg, saying of Thompson: “he’s had everything handed to him on a silver platter.”

Thompson hits Bloomberg on education, and hears from Christopher Cerf.

1199 SEIU will look at the mayor’s race this week, writes Liz Benjamin.

Bloomberg is also pulling a fast one on education,” writes Goodwin.

Mike Fishman, a Bloomberg ally in labor, makes New York magazine’s power list.

Sheldon Silver, a Bloomberg obstacle, makes the list too.

Al Sharpton, who has softly criticized Bloomberg, is also recognized.

Adam Lisberg says Thompson and Bloomberg aren’t friends like they used to be.

Koch says Bloomberg needs strong commissioners in his third term.

For the record, four years is enough,” Bloomberg said after Oscar de la Renta said he’d like to see Bloomberg stick around for 20 more years.

The price tag to open school yards after hours is $50,000 per custodian.

Should Bloomberg worry about businessman Richard Li?

Cindy Adams hears Thompson talk about race.

Aides to Kevin Kim filed a police report.

And here’s video of Giuliani’s remarks in Borough Park, Brooklyn, where he warned about a return to high crime.

Morning Read: The Fear of Crime