David Paterson held a rally to defend his plan to cut the budget.
Unannounced candidates for governor are mum on Paterson’s proposal.
Paterson’s political activity has been reinvigorated by the package.
There’s growing consensus in the State Senate that Hiram Monserrate will be forced to step down.
“He absolutely should be ousted if he doesn’t resign because the Democratic Party has to stand for something. If the party doesn’t stand for anything, then what is it about?” Jay Jacobs said to Fred Dicker of Hiram Monserrate.
Michael Bloomberg called his actions “disgraceful, despicable, deplorable.”
State Senator Craig Johnson gave out $9 million in pork, which the News called “outrageous.”
Paterson promised he would move quickly to get the Champlain Bridge open again.
Author Bill McKibben said a sweep of RGGI money “sends a terrible message that New York is letting the budget sins of the past trump its promise to the future of climate change.”
More construction means more corruption.
Mike Lupica: screw politics, just follow the Yankees.
There’s no money left to replace the Kosciusko bridge.
County legislature elections in Erie County are becoming a referendum on executive Chris Collins.
The M.T.A. would likely not raise fares if Paterson’s proposed cut in aid went through.
Candidates vying to replace John McHugh spent the weekend sparring.
One of them, Dede Scozzafava, signed an anti-tax pledge and was criticized for it.
People voting by absentee ballot in the race will receive a separate paper ballot.
Kirsten Gillibrand is pushing food safety.
Representative Dan Maffei raised over $1 million for his re-election.
And below, Michael Bloomberg’s comments about Monserrate: