Sources: Milgram will leave early next year

Attorney General Anne Milgram plans to leave her post early next year, regardless of the outcome of the gubernatorial election,

Attorney General Anne Milgram plans to leave her post early next year, regardless of the outcome of the gubernatorial election, sources say. If Gov. Jon Corzine wins re-election, Democratic sources say that Edward McBride, the Governor's Chief of Staff, will be on the short list to replace Milgram. Other possible candidates include: Corzine's Chief Counsel, William Castner; Seton Hall Law School Dean Patrick Hobbs; Kris Kolluri, the Executive Director of the state Schools Development Authority; state Comptroller Matthew Boxer; Public Advocate Ronald Chen; and Glenn Grant, the Acting Administrative Director of the state courts.

If Republican Christopher Christie wins, look for his Attorney General to come from the U.S. Department of Justice – maybe former Acting U.S. Attorney Ralph Marra. Hobbs could be on Christie's short list too, as well as Deborah Grammicioni, a former federal prosecutor who works for Milgram as Director of the state Division of Criminal Justice. Grammicioni would not be on Corzine's short list, Democratic sources say.

Sources: Milgram will leave early next year