Ed Cox is an oracle, or maybe just a particularly effective underminer.
Either way, the new chairman of the Republican State Committee was way ahead of the curve in floating the idea of Rudy Giuliani making a U.S. Senate run against Kirsten Gillibrand in 2010 rather than a run for governor in September. Now that Giuliani has told supporters he will not run for governor, there is an expectation he will, in fact, seek a seat in Washington.
“I think he was prescient,” Franklin County Republican Chairman Jim Ellis, a Cox backer, said of the chairman. “I’m never sure where the heck Rudy’s coming from, and I guess he, Rudy, feels he’s got a better shot going for the Senate running for governor. That’s his whole modus operandi. That’s what it’s been all this time, and I think he’s got the background for it, I think he’d do a great job.”
Cox’s spokesman, Tom Basile, said only that “it hasn’t been a secret that should Rudy decide to run, he would make an excellent candidate for governor, but would also be uniquely suited to serve the people of the State of New York in the United States Senate.”