Elsewhere: Cuomo Rising

Mark Page told agency heads that “head count reductions should generate additional fringe benefit savings.” Sign Up For Our Daily

Mark Page told agency heads that “head count reductions should generate additional fringe benefit savings.”

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NARAL no longer considers Rudy Giuliani to be pro-choice.

Andrew Cuomo raised $16 million.

Dean Skelos wants a bill to vote on.

David Paterson is talking doomsday.

Organizing 2.0

Bob Gorman still feels like a hostage.

Joe Bruno won’t testify.

Michael Bloomberg cashes in on his bet.

KT McFarland suggests an alternative to fighting in Afghanitan: “Can you pay them to keep this an Al Qaeda-free zone?”

Suzannah B. Troy wants a sinking street fixed.

Courier Mail on Janette Sadik-Khan: “[P]lenty of people have crazy plans but she had the balls to do it.”

John del Cecato sees younger challengers defeating older ones.

The executive editor of Roll Call wishes Bloomberg were running in 2012.

Christine Quinn shakes hands at Stormont.

Quinn goes to Bellfast with a message “on behalf of myself and Mayor Bloomberg.”

Brad Lander’s chief of staff will be Rachel Goodman.

Elsewhere: Cuomo Rising