Morning Read, Upstate: Senator Rudy?

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Rudy Giuliani will not run for governor.

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He’s leaning toward a run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Kirsten Gillibrand.

“I definitely believe he is seriously rethinking the Senate,” one source familiar with the situation told The Buffalo News. “I’m 98 percent sure he will run for the Senate.”

Republican leaders seem to share this expectation.

Recall: there are only two years left in that term, and a presidential election in 2012.

Some Giuliani friends note he doesn’t really need an elective office to be cool.

There’s still no budget deal, and legislators left Albany, some a few days ago.

“We have them on call,” David Paterson said following an afternoon leaders meeting. “There is no deal. I don’t want to waste any taxpayers’ money having them sit around.”

The state worker buyout has been extended.

The Times Union wants legislature to multi-task.

Tom DiNapoli said spending cuts have to be part of that equation.

Same-sex couples married elsewhere but living in New York can keep their benefits, the Court of Appeals ruled.

Ed Mangano leads Tom Suozzi by 553.

Joe Bruno used a state grant to start up a technology research center anchored by a company tied to him.

“They get paid annually for working a certain number of hours,” Bruno told reporters about public employees doing private work. “They have a perfect right to do other things as long as it doesn’t interfere with their public work.”

Bruno’s trial is a proxy for the system.

Senate Democrats will debate health care starting on Saturday.

E.J. McMahon is not so impressed by the authorities reform bill.

Who will pay to make sure water supplies near shale drilling are safe?

Sarah Palin is going to Rochester, and Rochester is excited.

It’s mathematically impossible for Doug Hoffman to un-lose.

And below, a video of State Senator John DeFrancisco sharing Republican Leader Dean Skelos’ fortune:

Morning Read, Upstate: Senator Rudy?