David Paterson’s campaign just attacked Andrew Cuomo’s campaign for “plotting” in the “shadows,” after a week’s worth of reports about Cuomo’s favorable poll standing, his quiet construction of a statewide campaign apparatus, his discussions about shaping a ticket around himself as governor and, today, his aggressive fund-raising.
“Mr. Cuomo has a voracious appetite for vacuuming up political money and, according to recent reports, plotting his political future from the shadows,” Tracy Sefl, an adviser to Paterson 2010, emailed me in response to an inquiry about Cuomo’s successful fund-raising. “He does not seem to have that same appetite when it comes to offering his ideas on New York’s economic recovery or plainly admitting his political ambitions. Governor Paterson, quite frankly, is the opposite of that.”
This is probably the most direct attack the Paterson camp has made on Cuomo; earlier brush-backs have come from surrogates.
Paterson has repeatedly declared his intention to seek election in 2010; Cuomo has said his only plan “at this time” is to run for re-election as attorney general.