Morning Read, Upstate: Charlie Will Save Us

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The Senate passed a bill restructuring health care.

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Representative Charlie Rangel promised to save New York when the Congress “reconcoliates” it with House legislation.

Michael Bloomberg called Kirsten Gillibrand to express displeasure with the Senate version.

Chuck Schumer went hunting with Ben Nelson.

David Paterson formally rebutted a law suit claiming he improperly stalled money due school districts.

“I will not be intimidated in this process,” he said.

Paterson said it doesn’t really matter, because the money will be there in January.

Richard Ravitch bristled at those who criticized him for hiring outside staff through a think tank.

Rick Karlin traces how New York got into its budget mess.

The Post says Rudy Giuliani not running is a “pity.”

New York City’s environmental officials say hydrofracking could contaminate the city’s water supply.

The Times says the state’s pension fund needs more and better oversight. “So far, Mr. DiNapoli and other legislative leaders appear to be resisting any move to dilute the comptroller’s sole control over investing this enormous public treasure. It is time for them to recognize that New York’s pension is too big and the slide into corruption is too easy for one person to keep it safe and invest it wisely,” writes the Times.

Eric Massa wants to focus on Iran and Afghanistan next year.

Doctors lobbied Scott Murphy on health care legislation.

Paterson is still looking at Empire Zones.

The Mayor of Rochester wants control of his schools.

And below, a year in review preview from New York NOW:

Morning Read, Upstate: Charlie Will Save Us