ALBANY—Cindy Adams was the only reporter to attend David Paterson’s holiday fund-raiser yesterday, and she evidently made it to the VIP after-party.
A sharp reader notes that her column today contains this account of a conversation with Paterson, at Cru:
HIS Excellency the Chief Executive of the Godblessus State of New York the Right Honorable David Paterson Himself had a small do this week. Through a meatball hors d’oeuvre at Cru downtown, he said: “I’m a sore loser, and I’m not yet done with marriage equality.”
The two of us share an ongoing slightly unclassy joke dealing with his first night ever sleeping in Albany’s Executive Mansion bedroom where, in the middle of the night, the day-old Gov. couldn’t find the john. So at this party I whispered for fun: “Have you peed yet tonight?” and he whispered back: “No, because I’m waiting to do it when the Legislature is under me.”
Paterson has been bashing legislators, but this is a new one.
UPDATE: A spokeswoman for Paterson said that Adams “inaccurately quoted the governor” in her column.
“Cindy asked the governor if he has pissed off anyone lately and he said probably the legislature,” the spokeswoman, Marissa Shorenstein, said in an e-mail.