Bronx Chair Hasn’t Heard from Harold Ford

A spokesman for Carl Heastie pushed back on Fred Dicker’s reporting today, which said the Bronx Democratic County Chairman is

A spokesman for Carl Heastie pushed back on Fred Dicker’s reporting today, which said the Bronx Democratic County Chairman is “open” to supporting Harold Ford Jr. for the U.S. Senate.

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Here’s a statement from Heastie spokesman Patrick Jenkins:

The insiders who report that Chairman Heastie as being open to endorsing Harold Ford are misinformed and have their priorities misplaced. As you know, Chairman Heastie thinks highly of Senator Gillibrand. Moreover, Chairman Heastie has not heard from Harold Ford. This week, the Governor will introduce a budget that is going to have a tremendous impact on services. Politically, we have to focus on protecting members of Congress who are in marginal districts to protect the President’s ability to pass a progressive agenda, and we have to protect a Democratic majority in the State Senate for the same reasons. As a Democratic leader, Chairman Heastie is even more focused on ensuring that the best interests of the citizens of New York are prioritized by the Democratic Party.


Bronx Chair Hasn’t Heard from Harold Ford