Committee Assignments: Nothing for Barron

So, here’s the more on the list of committee assignments from the City Council. Among the notable changes is the

So, here’s the more on the list of committee assignments from the City Council. Among the notable changes is the removal of Charles Barron as chairman of the Higher Education Committee, which went to Ydanis Rodriguez. Barron does not chair a committee. Neither do any Republicans.

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Also, Rosie Mendez will chair the Public Housing Committee, which previously had been a subcommittee.

Here’s the list of leadership and committee chairmanships, along with the extra pay that goes with them:

Speaker, Quinn, $28,000

Majority Leader, Rules Chairman-Rivera, $23,000

Deputy Majority Leader and Land Use Chairman, Cormie, $20,000

Assistant Majority Leader and Standard & Ethics Chairwoman, Dickens, $15,000

Assistant Majority Leader and Youth Services Chairman, Fidler, $15,000

Majority Whip and Community Development Chairman, Vann, $11,000

Minority Leader, Oddo, $18,000

Minority Whip, Ulrich, $5,000

Finance Chairman, Recchia, $18,000

Aging, Lappin, $10,000

Civil Service-Sanders, $10,000

Civil Rights, Seabrook, $10,000

Consumer Affairs, Koslowitz, $10,000

Contracts, Mealy, $10,000

Cultural Affairs, van Bramer, $10,000

Economic Development, White, $10,000

Educatioin, Jackson, $10,000

Environment, Gennaro, $10,000

Fire & Criminal Justice, Crowley, $10,000

General Welfare, Palma, $10,000

Government Operations, Brewer, $10,000

Health, Arroyo, $10,000

Higher Education, Rodriguez, $10,000

Housing, Dilan, $10,000

Immigration, Dromm, $10,000

Juvenille Justice,Gonzalez, $10,000

Lower Manhattan Redevelopment, Chin, $10,000

Mental Health, Koppell, $10,000

Investigations, Wiliams, $10,000

Parks, Viverito, $10,000

Public Housing, Mendez, $10,000

Public Safety, Vallone, $10,000

Sanitation, James, $10,000

Small Business, Reyna, $10,000

State & Federal Legislation, Foster, $10,000

Technology-Garodnick, $10,000 [Note: Garodnick is not accepting this stipend.]

Transportation, Vacca, $10,000

Veterans, Eugene, $10,000

Waterfront, Nelson, $10,000

Women’s Issues, Ferreras, $10,000


Zoning & Franchise, Weprin, $4,000

Landmarks, Lander, $4,000

Planning, Levin, $4,000

Select Committees:

Drug Abuse, Cabrera, $4,000

Senior Centers, Rose, $4,000

Libraries, Gentile, $4,000

Committee Assignments: Nothing for Barron