Elsewhere: Lasher Bumped, Barron Dumped, Ford Stumped

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Ben explains Obama’s troubles with a Tom and Jerry cartoon.

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Rick Lazio leads David Paterson, but trails Andrew Cuomo.

Here are the Lazio-Paterson trend numbers.

Harold Ford: “Anyone who believes they are safe this morning as an incumbent is probably kidding themselves.”

Ford said he doesn’t know the size of the state budget, but got the deficit right.

Saltonstall is up with a story on it.

Ford is learning about New York.


John Sampson says thank you to Craig Johnson.

The speculation about Larry Kudlow running against Chuck Schumer is getting louder.

Bloomberg’s social media architect will spill the beans.

Micah Lasher is Bloomberg’s new Director of State Legislative Affairs.

Scott Murphy said don’t rush health care before Brown is seated. “That’s crazy.”

Maybe Hiram Monserrate can’t be expelled. Key word: Lipschutz.

A primary for Jack McEneny?

Mark Green doesn’t like the Supreme Court ruling.

Progressive Democrats try urging McMahon to support the health care bill.

Cusick gets on the Ways and Means Committee.

Skurnik takes on David Brooks.

The city unemployment rate: 10.6 percent.

And here’s video of Charles Barron, arguing to stay on as Chairman of the Higher Education Committee.

Elsewhere: Lasher Bumped, Barron Dumped, Ford Stumped