Kaiser to plead guilty to tax evasion charges

Former North Arlington Mayor Leonard Kaiser and his wife, Barbara, are expected to plead guilty to tax evasion charges today,

Former North Arlington Mayor Leonard Kaiser and his wife, Barbara, are expected to plead guilty to tax evasion charges today, The Record reports.

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The pair is due in federal court in Newark this morning, where The Record says they will plead guilty to failing to declare about $30,000 in income taken from his North Arlington mayoral campaign account.  Kaiser was mayor there from 1983 to 2002.

Kaiser is also a former freeholder, councilman and member of the Meadowlands Commission. 

Though a Republican, he was a partner in a grants- writing firm with former Bergen County Democratic Chairman Joseph Ferriero and former Bergen County Democratic Counsel Dennis Oury, who were both convicted on federal corruption charges relating to the firm’s work in Bergenfield.  Kaiser, however, was not charged.

Kaiser to plead guilty to tax evasion charges