Conservative Columnist Gets the Scoop on Lazio Endorsement

While the state Conservative Party was meeting on Saturday to decide whom to support for governor, I and a bunch

While the state Conservative Party was meeting on Saturday to decide whom to support for governor, I and a bunch of other reporters stood outside their Brooklyn headquarters waiting for them to vote.

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And simultaneously reading about the results of the vote in a local paper.

The party’s endorsement, which was announced on Saturday afternoon, March 20, was reported in a column written by Brooklyn Conservative Party Chairman Jerry Kassar, which managed to appear in the same day’s Brooklyn Spectator.

Kassar wrote:

“The NYS Conservative Party’s Executive Committee officially and overwhelmingly endorsed Rick Lazio for governor  at a recent meeting. Mike Long, in announcing the endorsement, put to rest any hope Democratic Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy had of receiving the party’s endorsement.


Unfortunately, Levy’s attempt to disrupt a process that had already given Lazio the lion’s share of Republican and Conservative Party organizational support has clearly set Lazio’s fundraising efforts back. The Republican leadership that allowed and, in fact, encouraged this to happen did more to elect a Democratic governor than anyone in the Democratic Party has done in some time.”

Kassar later said there was a typo in his column, and that he was actually writing about an earlier vote taken by the Brooklyn chapter of the Conservative Party.

And here’s one flack’s list of news outlets that attended the Conservative Party’s announcement.


Conservative Columnist Gets the Scoop on Lazio Endorsement