Bronx Zoo Offers Cute Things, Creative Opportunity

Naming an animal is fun because it allows you to show how clever and original you are, but without all

Naming an animal is fun because it allows you to show how clever and original you are, but without all the pressure involved in naming a child.

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Now, thanks to the Bronx Zoo, you can name an animal and avoid the hassle involved in actually owning a pet. Reports the Daily News:

Adorable baby lion triplets make their debut Friday at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo, and the Daily News has an exclusive sneak peak.

Even better – New Yorkers can join in the excitement by helping to name the toothsome threesome.

We suggest “Tim,” or maybe “Steve.” Aggressively human names for animals are always a great joke, we find.

Bronx Zoo Offers Cute Things, Creative Opportunity