New Nets Owner Slides In the Standings

Mikhail Prokhorov–the AK-wielding billionaire set to become the next owner of the Nets (if some Zimbabwe investments don’t interfere)–has slipped

Mikhail Prokhorov–the AK-wielding billionaire set to become the next owner of the Nets (if some Zimbabwe investments don’t interfere)–has slipped in the rankings of Russia’s richest men.

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According to the Russian edition of Fortune (by way of Reuters), Mr. Prokhorov has slid from the number one spot, all the way down to number two, behind steel baron Vladimir Lisin.

There is some consolation: Mr. Prokhorov’s fortune reportedly increased from $9.5 billion to $13.4 billion. It’s less than the $17 billion 60 Minutes speculated he might be worth last month, when Mr. Prokhorov said he wasn’t sure how much he had.

“Money, frankly speaking, doesn’t drive me at all,” Mr. Prokhorov said.


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New Nets Owner Slides In the Standings