Fun New Ego-Boosting Toy Arrives at Tumblr Offices

At some offices (hi!) there are whiteboards that say how much web traffic has been clocked over a given week;

At some offices (hi!) there are whiteboards that say how much web traffic has been clocked over a given week; at other offices, there are fancy machines that do it in real-time. The pretty blue monitor map you see above was installed recently (today?) at Tumblr headquarters, and the staff has been admiring it ever since. “You can really see the traffic patterns change with the time of day,” Tumblr founder David Karp said in an e-mail. “This is stuff that’s hard to read or appreciate when you’re pulling the data out of Google Analytics. But seeing Japan and The Philippines staying up on Tumblr until 4:30AM is really humbling.”

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He said the map is visualizing more than 810 pageviews per second. “Can you fucking believe that?” he beamed. “That’s excluding RSS, assets, search crawlers, and all that other junk.”

Mr. Karp said that as of today Tumblr has reached 6.25 million users, who are posting a total of 4.5 million times per day.

Fun New Ego-Boosting Toy Arrives at Tumblr Offices