Morning Read: Paterson, Cuomo, Rangel

Gov. Paterson appears likely to sign a bill limiting use of stop-and-frisk database. Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign

Gov. Paterson appears likely to sign a bill limiting use of stop-and-frisk database.

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Lazio likely lags in fundraising.

Andrew Cuomo, Winnebago Man.

Dumpsters will be converted into swimming pools on Park Ave.

The AG5 debated in Brooklyn.

Charlie Rangel’s campaign spent $170,000 on legal bills.

The head of the DC taxi drivers union says Jerry Nadler mishandled his run-in with a cabbie.

Albany’s budget woes are likely to get worse, says Tom DiNapoli.

NYC unemployment fell.

In Rhinebeck, doubts about Chelsea Clinton’s nuptials.

Bloomberg travels to New Hampshire.

Howard Wolfson donated to Bill deBlasio.

Donald Trump, Teresa Heinz, and Howard Rubenstein all donated to Kathleen Rice


Morning Read: Paterson, Cuomo, Rangel