Katie Roiphe on Facebook Fiction

“It is, in short, a brilliant stroke to use Facebook for novel writing, because in general Facebook feeds on fiction;

“It is, in short, a brilliant stroke to use Facebook for novel writing, because in general Facebook feeds on fiction; it consumes it, and spits it out in every direction….

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“Somewhere in the gap between status posting and the person in their room at night is life itself. So fiction is the right response, the right commentary, the right point to be making about who we are in these dangerously consuming media, in these easy addictive nano-connections.

“It is not, alas, The Sun Also Rises, but Facebook is the novel we are all writing.”

    —Katie Roiphe analyzes Slate’s experiment in Facebook-as-novel, My Darklyng, for the Sunday Times.


Katie Roiphe on Facebook Fiction