Starbucks to Offer Branded Digital Entertainment Portal

Because Starbucks isn’t quite satisifed with controlling caffeine consumption all over the planet as well as the moon, they are

Because Starbucks (SBUX) isn’t quite satisifed with controlling caffeine consumption all over the planet as well as the moon, they are dipping their toes into a branded digital venture. The coffee retailer is seeking a more social experience for all the up-and-coming screenwriters parked at its stores across the nation by introducing a Starbucks-centric digital network that will offer a variety of news and entertainment. MSNBC also reports that Starbucks will offer “localized content to encourage neighborhood involvement.” The roll-out is expected to begin in the fall.

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This new service is part of Starbucks’ attempt to emerge from the dark night of the Great Recession, which hit the ubiquitous retailer pretty hard once out-of-work business folks realized they could do without that morning double-decaf grande caramel macchiato every now and then. The digital portal is also part of an effort to continue steering customers away from local, independent stores. As vice president of digital ventures for Starbucks Adam Brotman told NBC: “In some ways one of the most interesting and important aspects of the Starbucks Digital Network is that it actually can be a hyper-local, community-oriented offering.” Emphasis ours.


Starbucks to Offer Branded Digital Entertainment Portal