Amazon Ready to Take On Netflix

In what looks to be a bid to take on rivals such as Netflix, Amazon has approached Time Warner Inc,

In what looks to be a bid to take on rivals such as Netflix (NFLX), Amazon (AMZN) has approached Time Warner Inc, CBS Corp and Viacom Inc to suggest a new subscription service. The service would allow access to some television and movies, a la Hulu. Reuters reports:

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[An] Amazon subscription service would likely be similar to Netflix’s online streaming service which works in tandem with its DVD rental business.

Like Netflix most of the TV shows and movies available for streaming would be older because the media companies are wary of devaluing their content, said the same person familiar with the talks.

This looks like part of a trend in online business, one that may accelerate with Apple’s expected announcement of a new version of Apple TV Wednesday.


Amazon Ready to Take On Netflix