Jeremy Piven is Not a Jerk (To Us, At Least), and Christina Hendricks Wants to Work with Tim Burton

We saved our best material from Tommy Hilfiger‘s epic afterparty at the Met Opera on Sunday night for the Shindigger

We saved our best material from Tommy Hilfiger‘s epic afterparty at the Met Opera on Sunday night for the Shindigger column in tomorrow’s paper, which is chock-full of Fashion Week gossip and intrigue. (Check it out!) In the meantime, here’s a little taste of what we said, heard, and witnessed:

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–The reports of Kelly Osbourne‘s weight loss have not been exaggerated: she looked positively tiny in person, clad in a Tommy Hilfiger dress, Marni shoes, and a Chanel bag. We remarked on her hair, which was pinned up in what looked like a somewhat complicated updo. “It was different! I had the back down before I went out, because I came from Erin Fetherston’s show,” she said. “And I wanted to change my hair because…” Ms. Osbourne paused, laughing. “I thought I looked a bit like the mom from the Brady Bunch. So I twisted it up and pinned the back up.”

–When we ran into neil patrick harris, he politely asked that we come find him later, when he’d finished his cigarette. To be fair, he did look like he was enjoying the smoke, out on the terrace of the Opera, overlooking Lincoln Center and all the sad souls who couldn’t get in.

–Though Christina Hendricks did look stunning, we think it’s a little lame that everyone always asks her about her figure rather than, say, what she’s reading — and we hoped it wouldn’t be inappropriate to tell her so. “Absolutely, that’s probably more appropriate than anything else!” she replied with a smile. We also asked whether she had a dream role — besides Joan, of course, which we imagine is something of a dream role itself. “It is a dream role! I’m really, really lucky. Oh gosh, there’s so many different things I want to do. I think rather than roles, it’d be genres, or maybe a role that hasn’t existed yet. I’d love to do an amazing musical, do a Baz Luhrmann musical, and I’d love to work with Tim Burton and do a fantasy.” Ms. Hendricks describes herself as a “high alto.”

-The Observer had to push past Jeremy Piven on our way to the bar, and tried to make up for it by complimenting his outfit. (He wore a Henley shirt and a leather jacket.) We’ve heard that Mr. Piven is not-so-nice in person — what with the tantrums and the ego and the whole mercury-poisoning thing — but must report the opposite; he was weirdly sincere with us. “Thank you,” he said, looking us deep in the eyes. “That’s a really nice thing for you to say.”

Jeremy Piven is Not a Jerk (To Us, At Least), and Christina Hendricks Wants to Work with Tim Burton