Offensive Tweeting

Bergen County Sheriff Leo McGuire has agreed to remove a link from his department’s website to his personal twitter page,

Bergen County Sheriff Leo McGuire has agreed to remove a link from his department’s website to his personal twitter page, which touted a golf outing to raise money for McGuire’s reelection bid.

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According to the New Jersey Law Journal, McGuire agreed to take down the link after his opponent Emerson Police Chief Michael Saudino filed a suit alleging the link was a violation of election laws prohibiting the use of public resources for campaigning.

In general McGuire’s Twitter feed, BergenSheriff touts department activities and events, but the August 31 Tweet was clearly an invite to walk the links with the Democratic sheriff.

“Please join us for my annual Fall Classic Golf Fundraiser to support my reelection campaign. Hope to see you there!”

McGuire campaign spokesman Sean Darcy told The Record of Bergen County that thesuit was a waste of taxpayer money.

“This is a pretty egregious waste of taxpayer money to drag a tweet through the courts,” Darcy told the Record. “It’s the first time this has ever happened; it’s the last time this will ever happen.”

Offensive Tweeting