Your Guide to Lying CEOs

Ah, the quarterly earnings conference call! A chance for corporate executives to carefully dance around the status of their companies,

Ah, the quarterly earnings conference call! A chance for corporate executives to carefully dance around the status of their companies, gently parry inquiries by curious analysts and otherwise act opaque about their business. Well, management be warned: A pair of academics has deciphered clues to help investors figure out when CEOs are fibbing.

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Stanford Business School’s David Larcker and Anastasia Zakolyukina combed through around 30,000 corporate conference calls to detect patterns that correlate with subsequent restatements of results. The Economist summarizes:

Deceptive bosses, it transpires, tend to make more references to general knowledge (“as you know…”), and refer less to shareholder value (perhaps to minimise the risk of a lawsuit, the authors hypothesise). They also use fewer “non-extreme positive emotion words”. That is, instead of describing something as “good”, they call it “fantastic”. The aim is to “sound more persuasive” while talking horsefeathers.

Other tipoffs: Lying CEOs tend to avoid the first-person singular; they hem and haw less than their truthful counterparts, and they use curse words more often.

(via Freakonomics)

Your Guide to Lying CEOs