There’s a cliche, or a saying, or something, that says that a lot of major business deals happen on the golf course. Perhaps some readers have heard their mothers tell them this “fact” in an effort to sell them on the practicality of repeatedly swinging a club at a tiny ball while wearing khakis.
Well, in one case, this turns out to be true. Steve Cohen’s giant hedge fund, sac capital advisors, employs Sam Evans as a golfer who schedules outings with prospective investors in the fund and managers at companies the fund may invest in.
From Reuters’ “special report” on the golfer:
An amateur golfer with a respectable 7-stroke handicap, Evans has found a unique way to marry his golf skills with the big rolodex of corporate executives he struck up friendships with during his time at Donaldson Lufkin Jenrette and more recently Deutsche Bank. A member of more than a half dozen prestigious East Coast golf clubs, Evans has played with an elite group over the years, including former President Bill Clinton.
Also from the report: “Like his boss, Cohen, he appears to guard his privacy vigorously — a fairly intensive Internet search for a picture of him on the links came up empty.”
This is so dumb.
mtaylor [at] | @mbrookstaylor