Seeing as how downtown is where it’s at these days, does the area really need a new moniker to spice things up? At least one local thinks so, according to the Daily News:
“The only reason people stay here is if they have business on Wall St. or they’re looking for a cheap room for the weekend,” said Clive Burrow, chairman of the Lower Manhattan Marketing Association. “By packaging it, by giving it the feel of a neighborhood like SoHo, then you’re giving the whole area a pizzazz.”
Burrow’s proposal is Canal Downtown, or CanDo for short, which encompasses all the neighborhoods south of the stretch running from the Manhattan Bridge to the Holland Tunnel. This is to distinguish the area from regular old downtown, which The Observer always thought was from 14th Street to the Battery but actually runs from 23rd Street to Canal Street, according to Burrow.
Perhaps we can call that area DooDo to help avoid confusion between the differing downtowns.