You might have heard that Julian Assange leads the pack in the TIME magazine Person of the Year poll. Before you protest–jaw dropped, caps lock depressed, appalled that America could choose a socialist spy as their person of the year–someone will probably remind you it’s no beauty contest. Adolf Hitler once held the title.
Don’t bother enlisting your friends to boost Lady Gaga out of third place, either–it’s futile. The TIME editors pick. Although perhaps they will thank you for the page views by going with your choice. We hope the editors select the currently ninth-ranked Unemployed American. Then they can recycle 2006’s mirror gimmick on 9.3 percent of the covers.
In other WikiLeaks news: After being booted off Amazon and Paypal, Twitter is now the organization’s last virtual ground. With a history of Twitter compliance with government and an open-ended terms of service agreement, many are speculating how long they will hold, according to Tech Crunch.
kstoeffel [at] | @kstoeffel