Tumblr has been down for nearly 18 hours now.
As always happens when a major social site goes black, frustrated users have taken to other mediums to voice their discontent.
There is a predictable arc to the comments around these issues.
The first to notice the problem are often hesitant, not wanting to cry wolf when the issue might be with their own machines.
As soon as awareness reaches critical mass, or the service confirms the outage, all hell breaks loose. Avid users tend to respond with outrage, like junkies in need of a fix.
Quickly the tide turns and users are mocked for their dependence on a single service.
Cooler heads prevail, someone jokes about getting off the computer and “making real friends”.
It’s a bad scene for Tumblr right now, but things could always be worse. Like when AOL mail went down…and nobody noticed.
Check Out Ten Great Tweets From The Ongoing Tumblr Fail >
bpopper [at] observer.com | @benpopper
ajeffries [at] observer.com | @adrjeffries