News of the World's Coulson Quits Downing Street Over Phone Hack

Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson has resigned from his post as director of communications for Prime Minister

Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson has resigned from his post as director of communications for Prime Minister David Cameron, reports BBC.

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Coulson left News of the World when his royal editor was jailed for hacking into cell phones. Coulson took responsibility for the events but maintained that he had not known it was going on.

With the investigation potentially re-opening due to allegations that news editor Ian Edmondson knew about the hacking too, Coulson says he can no longer “give the 110% needed” in his Downing Street role.

“I stand by what I’ve said about those events but when the spokesman needs a spokesman, it’s time to move on,” he said.

Ever the spin doctor, Coulson announced his departure on a big news day; today former PM Tony Blair goes before the Iraq inquiry. :: @kstoeffel

News of the World's Coulson Quits Downing Street Over Phone Hack