Well that didn’t take long.
Time reports with confidence what Page Six suspected last week: McCain’s closest aide and speechwriter Mark Salter has been outed as the “anonymous” author of O: A Presidential Novel.
Aside from sources, Time‘s evidence is that Simon and Schuster chief Jonathan Karp edited Salter’s previous books and that Salter had been hiding out in Maine. There is a story in the book based on events that would have only been known to a McCain camper, and Salter gave a “non-denial denial” when asked. Page Six was tipped off by the prose, which is also how Primary Colors author Joe Klein was outed.
“Salter co-authored McCain’s biography, “Faith of My Fathers,” and continues to work as a speechwriter. His adjective-filled style is similar to the “O” author’s,” Page Six wrote.
Adjective-filled! Ouch!
kstoeffel@observer.com :: @kstoeffel