Morning Read: Itch to Serve

New York City’s Education Department that it was suspending one of the signature experiments of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s control

New York City’s Education Department that it was suspending one of the signature experiments of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s control of city schools, a multimillion-dollar program that awards annual bonuses to teachers based on student performance after the city announced that teachers at only 26 schools would receive schoolwide bonuses this year, down from about 160 schools last year, as far fewer schools met their performance targets on state standardized tests.

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A school that fudged its graduation rates has led to fears that other schools are gaming the system.

A report warns that New York City could be too reliant for the foreseeable future on Science Applications International Corporation, the company that built the CityTime automated payroll system since no other company will be able to run it. 

Gov. Cuomo doesn’t forsee a government shutdown.

Cuomo hasn’t met yet with Jay Walder.

The decline in the city’s unemployment rate is due to people no longer looking for work.

The appointment of Audrey Pheffer to Queens County Clerk clears the field for Peter Vallone to run for borough president.

The location of the mayor’s last 9 State of the City addresses give the outer boroughs some love.

Policy makers are looking for a way to states’ declare bankruptcies.

E.J. McMahon thinks that Mayor Bloomberg should push for a 401(k) type pension plan

It will soon cost $20/month to read the NYT links on this web page.

The massive mob takedown yesterday shows organized crime’s grip on unions is virtually unbroken – even at Ground Zero – despite decades of prosecutions.

The DN sees Patrick Gaspard’s new job at the DNC as a demotion.

A new powerplant is coming to Queens.

Electronic-only toiling is coming to bridges and tunnels.

A look at Bloomberg’s immigration record.

Brooklyn D.A. Charles Hynes took a rare swipe at the mayor, calling the city’s blizzard clean-up efforts “disgraceful.”

What health care reform repeal would mean for New York.

Harold Ford’s itch to serve could lead him to run for mayor of New York in 2013.

For Obama to win re-election, he could look to the centrist path blazed by New York politicos.

The Daily News gives a thumbs-up to Daniel Garodnick, Ydanis Rodriguez and Brad Lander for refusing LuLu’s, and thumbs down to Fernando Cabrera, Helen Foster, Margaret Chin, Daniel Dromm, Julissa Ferreras,  Sara Gonzalez and Diana Reyna for accepting them


Morning Read: Itch to Serve