Taco Bell has decided to pull its commercials from MTV’s sexy teen sex show Skins, reports The Hollywood Reporter.
“Upon further review, we’ve decided that the show is not a fit for our brand and have moved our advertising to other MTV programming,” Taco Bell spokesman Rob Poetsch said.
This seems like the inevitable conclusion of the scandal the “most dangerous program ever for children” has stirred thus far. The Parents Televsion Council has called for a boycott and asked the Department of Justice and U.S. Senate and House Judiciary Committees to open an investigation into MTV parent company Viacom’s alleged knowing production of material that violates child pornography laws. The Times reported this morning that Viacom execs met on Tuesday to figure out if they were, in fact, child pornographers.
If Viacom can just can keep the rest of the advertisers on board, these accusations should do wonders for ratings.
kstoeffel@observer.com :: @kstoeffel