Last week, Mayor Bloomberg and Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstal made a bet on yesterday’s AFC Championship game, as politicians are wont to do. Part of the deal was the all-too-expected community service project in the opposing city, part of the deal was a little more interesting, if cheesy. It was agreed that a team emblem–in the case of the Jets, a fireman’s hat (huh?), in the case of the Steelers, a Terrible Towel–would hang from one of the losing city’s landmarks.
With the Steelers headed to the Super Bowl, The Observer thought we’d ask our readers to help the mayor make what could be one of the most difficult decisions of his administration: What landmark will be waving the Terrible Towel in the coming weeks? We’ll reveal the winning choice on Thursday.
Oh, and Jets fans, don’t feel too bad. At least our mayor never changed his name to Jetsberg.
POLL: What Landmark Will Be Wearing Black and Gold? >>
(Full disclosure: The writer of this post is a native Pittsburgher and has yet to find a cut of pizza better than Mineo’s.)