Tony Avella introduced a term limits bill in Albany.
Mayors from around the state, including our own, are headed to Albany.
Sean Coffey has returned to the scene as a board member for Common Cause.
Former Gov. David Paterson has has paid $62,124 to settle his fine from the Public Integrity Commission over five free Yankees tickets to the 2009 World Series that he obtained for himself, his aides, his son and his son’s friend.
With budget season underway, lawmakers are raising funds.
Jim Alesi wants to move beyond his “boneheaded” lawsuit.
Ann Buerkle was surprised to find out that the government paid for her health benefits.
Republican lawmakers in the state Senate are calling on their Democratic colleagues to trim their staff payroll by 43 percent by March 31.
SUNY students: “We can’t weather these cuts.”
Sarah Palin has trademarked her name.
Iowa Senator Tom Harkin wants New York City taxis to be more wheelchair accessible .
Cuomo vowed to collect Indian cigarette taxes.
And Cuomo called special interests: “the permanent government that’s controlling Albany.”
Jonathan Lippman says the judiciary is on board.