Meet Ben Fisher, The Hard Drinking, No Bullshit, Tech Fixer for SXSW

SXSW Interactive is the big show for tech startups, and a natural milieu for the young entrepreneur who loves to

SXSW Interactive is the big show for tech startups, and a natural milieu for the young entrepreneur who loves to mix business with pleasure.

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But for ad agency suits looking to spot the best emerging trends, SXSW can be a nightmare week of late night parties and missed opportunities.

Enter Ben Fisher, the man behind programs likeLean Startup Machine and Adopt-a-Hacker. He’s headed to SXSW, and eager to play fixer for corporate types.

“My blend of creative and technical expertise is perfect for an ad agency interested in what—and who—is relevant to their business at SXSW. I also graduated from college recently enough to still take good notes … and hold my liquor. Heck, I’ll even bring you back a shirt.”

Fisher is prepared to offer:

  • Intros to the hottest startups and technologists relevant to your company
  • Comprehensive review of relevant SXSW startups and techs, and analysis of how they relate to you
  • Consultation before SXSW to discuss your company and any specific areas of tech interest and more

Given that SXSW was the launching pad for billion-dollar companies like Twitter, it could easily pay to be in the know about the breakout stars of this year’s fest.

“The dead-ends of SXSW are numerous but easy enough to circumvent with a strong technical and creative background and a calibrated bullshit meter,” writes Fisher. “I just WD-40’d mine; I’ll loan it to you.”

bpopper [at] | @benpopper


Meet Ben Fisher, The Hard Drinking, No Bullshit, Tech Fixer for SXSW