2012: Corzine, Orin Kramer raising for Obama. [Page Six]
1964: Bill Clinton visited Times Square, saw “a hooker approach a man in a gray flannel suit.” [Politico]
The Lede: “You can’t find a hooker in Times Square anymore, former President Bill Clinton lamented Wednesday.” [Adam Lisberg]
John Cook: He can’t wait to read serious snark about Trump’s birther-fueled campaign. [Gawker]
Birthers: Romney says “The citizenship test has been passed.” [Aliyah Shahid]
Cuomo Intervention: Proposed bill would give electric companies permanent property tax abatements, “removing the basis” for an expected 12 rate hike in energy bills.[Fred Dicker]
Cuomo Travels: Touting Recharge New York program, in Buffalo, this morning. [Tom Precious]
Cuomo’s Deal: Retroactive raises for Council 82 members; wage freeze till 2014. PEF won’t accept similar deal. “The state made it clear that accepting these concessions would not ensure PEF members would not be laid off. [Casey Seiler]
Cuomo’s Deal: Editors like it. [Daily News]
Cuomo and DiNapoli: Accused extortionist sheds light on their tension. [Rick Karlin]
Cuomo’s Popularity: A “honeymoon.” [Jacob Gershman]
Rent Rules: Letting rent laws expire would be a “tsunami” says Perkins. Golden disagrees. [Glenn Blain]
Cars: “Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, spent $26,000 on a 2011 Ford Taurus in February.” [Joe Spector]
Changing Chancellors: Walcott easily clears a hurdle. [Sharon Otterman]
School Safety: Wildcat strike tomorrow? [Philip Messing]
Clothes: “New Jersey is wasting $3.1 million on clothing allowances for workers who aren’t required to wear special clothes.” [Lisa Fleisher]
Changing Chancellors: “The effort to turn this one instance into some sort of general referendum on non-traditional leadership shows how divorced our strident national education conversation is from the challenges of actually improving our schools.” [Andrew Rotherham]
Happy Birthday: Assemblyman Marcos Crespo isn’t afraid to send a polite note to embattled lobbyist Richard Lipsky. [Facebook]
Taxes: Nick Kristof’s “raise my taxes” column makes the person with whom he files jointly, flinch. [Twitter]