Roundup: NY Picks Up Government Money, Quinn Picks Up Votes

Same-Sex Marriage: Christine Quinn said at least one prior No vote will be a Yes vote. [Julie Bolcer] Sign Up

Photograph of (left to right) Mary Pratys(?), May Tobin, and Joyce Michaelian holding paper fans printed with "Rockefeller for Governor" at the GOP convention in Rochester, NY. (James Nevins Cite asCourtesy of the Westchester County Archives)

Same-Sex Marriage: Christine Quinn said at least one prior No vote will be a Yes vote. [Julie Bolcer]

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Federal Money: “New Yorkers get more government aid per person from social programs than residents of any other state, a USA TODAY analysis finds.” [Dennis Cauchon]

Federal Money: Accompanying chart. [USA Today]

Trump: “A new bar has been set pretty low” says Chris Matthews. [Hardball]

Birther: “Poll reveals only 38% of Americans believe Obama was born in U.S. (but it isn’t much higher for Trump).” [Daily Mail Reporter]

Bank Regulations: After Odato noted NY’s safeguards are temporary, Cuomo makes them permanent. [Jimmy Vielkind]

Bank Regulations: Cuomo’s move is “Hevesi-inspired.” [Nick Reisman]

Housing Regulations: New push to improve “deplorable” living conditions in the Bronx. [AP]

Mystery Candidate: A Cuomo Democrat unloads thousands into exploratory committee; office undetermined. [Celeste Katz]

Special Treatment: NYPD escorts P. Diddy through traffic. [NBC New York]

Print News: Harry Siegel hired by Village Voice as new metro columnist. [Joe Pompeo]

TV News: Print journos notice the cutbacks in foreign TV bureaus while over-covering the royal wedding. [Kyle Pope, Nick Confessore, Eleanor Randolph]

Archives: Old photos from Westchester, now online! [Joe Spector]

Pics: Bloomberg uses a banner. [Spencer Tucker]

Roundup: NY Picks Up Government Money, Quinn Picks Up Votes