Bloomberg Assumes the President Understands Israel

Ed Koch is coming out hard against President Obama, over the president’s suggestion that Israel negotiate based, mostly, on their

Ed Koch is coming out hard against President Obama, over the president’s suggestion that Israel negotiate based, mostly, on their 1967 borders.

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Mayor Bloomberg took a more nuanced, and less confrontational tone when asked about Obama’s Israel policy after a ceremony in Queens today.

“I think Israel is the only real democracy in that part of the world,” Bloomberg told reporters. “Israel is the only friend that America has had, many times…The history and the interchange between these two countries, is quite remarkable and I assume the president understands that.”

That’s slightly more conciliatory than the statement he put out shortly after the Obama’s speech, in which Bloomberg said he was “so concerned” that the president’s suggestions might jeopardize Israel’s safety.


Bloomberg Assumes the President Understands Israel