The student became the master this morning, when Posterous user Paul Phusion suddenly had his personal blog appear in place of the Posterous homepage.
It seems to have started with an attempt by Phusion to merge his personal page with his posterous. “@posterous Something went wrong yesterday when I tried to forward my own url to my posterous account. I’m sorry! What was the reason?” he wrote on Twitter.
This was 18 hours ago and the problem still remains. “@scottgould did I crash posterous? omg! was just trying to forward my domain to my posterous account. I’m sorry!” Phusion tweeted.
On Hacker News users noted a few technical clues to the problem. “It looks something went wrong in nginx.conf, or whatever external dynamic appendix they’re using. It’s still 7am in SF, so I suppose they’ll fix it as soon as they wake up :)”