David Tisch: We Got 800 Applications for TechStars Already

“Quality over quantity,” Dave Tisch was explaining to an entrepreneur as Betabeat chanced upon him outside Startup Alley at TechCrunch

“Quality over quantity,” Dave Tisch was explaining to an entrepreneur as Betabeat chanced upon him outside Startup Alley at TechCrunch Disrupt, just after Paul Graham had hosted Y Combinator-style office hours on stage.

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TechStars has gotten more than 800 applications for the summer session, Mr. Tisch told Betabeat, and the quality of applicants is “exponentially higher.” “We’ve got applications from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple,” he said. “We didn’t have that before.” He thinks they’ll have more than 1,000 applications come in; last time there were about half that. The deadline to apply for the summer session is May 26.


David Tisch: We Got 800 Applications for TechStars Already