Bowery to Get Karl Fischer-Designed New Luxe Condo

After scoring a smashing successlet with 263 Broadway, a diminutive Karl Fischer-designed luxury condo, developer Shaky Cohen has dreamed up a new

The possible look-alike, 263 Bowery.

After scoring a smashing successlet with 263 Broadway, a diminutive Karl Fischer-designed luxury condo, developer Shaky Cohen has dreamed up a new seven-story development just a few doors down.

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Mr. Cohen has dropped $5.5 million on a small plot of land at 255 Bowery Street, where he plans to build a new development with two stories of retail and five stories of residential, he told The Observer. It will contain four to five luxury residential units. He plans to invest another $4 million and start construction in five months.

Mr. Cohen has tapped Montreal-based architect Mr. Fischer to design this 25-foot building as well, but says the facade will look different from the silky smooth exterior at 263 Broadway (which earned Mr. Fischer the catchy nickname “barfitecht”).

Meanwhile, despite a certain blog-fueled backlash, sales are going briskly at 263 Broadway, where units are selling for around $1,700 a foot and only the penthouse remains.  Mr. Cohen is also developing a project in the East Village, another project at 107th and Broadway, and one in Harlem at 117th and Frederick Douglas Boulevard.


Bowery to Get Karl Fischer-Designed New Luxe Condo