Jesus Gonzalez, Candidate in 54th AD, Fundraises

Make the Road  staffer Jesus Gonzalez appears to have officially entered the race to replace Darryl Towns in the 54th

Make the Road  staffer Jesus Gonzalez appears to have officially entered the race to replace Darryl Towns in the 54th Assembly District after sending out an invitation to a fundraiser last night on Facebook.

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Gonzalez is expected to pull support from the Working Families Party and affiliated labor groups and Make the Road’s vast social services network in the neighborhood in a race that is turning into a fight for supremacy in the neighborhood between factions aligned with County Leader Vito Lopez (who is backing Rafael Espinal, chief of staff to Councilman Erik Dilan) and Congressman Ed Towns (who is backing his daughter, Deirdra).

Details on the fundraiser below:

Tuesday, June 7 · 6:00pm - 8:30pm

### St. Marks Ave, #4 (between Vanderbilt and Carlton) Brooklyn, NY 11238

Created By

More Info
2/3 to Bergen or Q/B to 7th Ave. 

Gathering to meet Jesus Gonzalez

Hosted by Jennifer Ostrow and Maggie Williams
Please RSVP with Jennifer @:

Why does Jesus's race matter?
Jesus Gonzalez is a candidate running against the Brooklyn political machine. Electing Jesus will be a crucial victory in the movement to make NYC’s politics more transparent, democratic, and accountable. Everyone is paying attention to this special election to see whether NYC’s progressive movement can win on election day, and whether ordinary people can truly make democracy work for us.

The New York State 54th Assembly District is a diverse collection of neighborhoods in northeast Brooklyn, home to thousands of immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean as well as African American and white residents. Communities in the 54th district suffer from:
• A lack of good jobs • Police misconduct and racial profiling
• Under-achieving public schools • Lack of opportunity for youth

Jesus Gonzalez will address key community issues.
In office, He will fight for:

• Quality Public Education • Economic Opportunity
• Police Accountability • Affordable Housing • A Fair Budget where everyone pays their fair share

Support this campaign. Make a difference.
You can help make this campaign a success. With your support, we can make a real difference in the lives of thousands of Brooklynites who need real change.

Warm Regards,
-Jennifer Ostrow

[Note: An earlier version of this item included the specific address and email associated with the fund-raiser, which has been redacted.]


Jesus Gonzalez, Candidate in 54th AD, Fundraises